Nurtazenov M.T.
Nurtazenov M.T. is the founder of the private institution CHU "College Zerek", an individual entrepreneur, has extensive experience in providing services to the population. He graduated from the Almaty University of National Economy with a degree in Economics. Applies the acquired knowledge to determine the financial strategy of the college.

Bekturganova R.Ch.
Bekturganova R.Ch. founder of CHU "Zerek College", advisor to the rector of Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov on pedagogical programs, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. She heads the Alliance of Women's Forces in Kostanay region, which includes 20 Clubs of women leaders, each city and district of our region and 5 gender centers. She was awarded the Order of "Kurmet", the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the badge Y.Altynsarin.

Полное наименование учреждения:
– на государственном языке: «ЗЕРЕК колледжі» жеке мекемесі.
– на русском языке: Частное учреждение «Колледж ЗЕРЕК».
Местонахождение учреждения: 110000, Республика Казахстан, Костанайская область, город костанай, улица Л.Беды, дом 237/2