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"ZEREK College"

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Women in literature have long been more than just objects of romantic interests or victims of circumstances. As in the novel "Jane Eyre" by S. Bronte, and in the novel "Ulpan her name" by G. Musrepov, they appear to us as strong, intelligent and independent personalities.

Continuing the "Reading together" campaign, college students were offered the novel "Ulpan her name" to read. The events in the novel unfold around the main character of the novel - Ulpan, who at the age of eighteen is proclaimed the mother of the Siban family. Dealing with the affairs of the whole family, she allocates arable, pasture, hay lands, permanent wintering grounds to each village. She distributes cattle to poor people, begins to build winter houses with a stove and a bathhouse. 

Reading the novel, you immerse yourself in history, in the ancient traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, you penetrate into women's psychology through the images of Ulpan, Shynar. 

Second-year students could test their knowledge of the text during a literary quiz. 
As a result, Anastasia Atkina took the first place, and Alina Ishchanova took the second place.

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