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"ZEREK College"

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College students celebrated Halloween.

Interesting facts:

- Halloween is both an ancient and a modern holiday. Its roots can be traced back to the Celtic-Irish holiday of Samhain. And the word "Samhain" means "the end of summer".

-In Old English it was called All Hallow Even, which translates as “All Saints' Eve”, later the name was shortened to Halloween.

- It is known that the most grandiose carnivals and processions on Halloween night are held in America. The interest in this holiday is not accidental here, because modern States are inhabited, among other things, by descendants of immigrants from Ireland, who "brought" this holiday to the continent several centuries ago.

We express our gratitude to the A-21 group for organizing and holding Halloween. Students received a lot of emotions, participated in the quest, passed the obstacle course, the best image was awarded a sweet prize.

At the end of the event, a photo shoot and a tea party were held.