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"ZEREK College"

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On January 30, 2025, Yerzhanova Gulzhan, a student of group A-41, 4th year; Victoria Feishberg, a student of group A-31, 3rd year, specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", qualification "Teacher of a foreign language of primary education"

participated in the international student scientific and practical conference "Innovative approaches in teaching foreign languages languages: challenges, strategies, advantages" on the basis of the Kostanay Higher Pedagogical College of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

The scientific conference was devoted to topical issues of linguodidactics, pedagogy and methods of teaching foreign languages. During the event, participants discussed modern learning technologies, methods of actively involving students in the educational process, and innovative solutions aimed at increasing motivation to learn foreign languages.

Participation in the conference is a valuable experience that has allowed us to deepen our knowledge of modern methods of teaching foreign languages.

The scientific and practical conference demonstrated that successful foreign language teaching is possible only with an integrated approach that includes digital technologies, interactive methods and the development of students' communication skills.

Such events contribute to the development of professional competencies and help shape quality education for future generations.