Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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Sacred places of Kostanay region Each region has its own interesting historical places and people, whose memory is carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

The land of Kostanay region is rich in historical and cultural monuments. Mausoleums, ancient settlements, settlements, to this day keep the secrets of bygone centuries.
The excursion "Memory of the native land" was held with the first-year students
During the presentation, students received information about ten objects of Kostanay region, which were included in the "Sacred map of Kazakhstan"
During the event, students shared their knowledge about historical figures and sacred places. Mazenova Altynai from group B-11 told about her visit to the mausoleum of Barak Batyr, which is considered a source of healing. In general, the excursion "Memory of the native land" was interesting.