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"ZEREK College"

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In January 2025, we were lucky enough to take part in the regional master class "Neural Networks for teachers: the path to new opportunities", which was held at Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College.

The event brought together 38 college teachers from Kostanay region who are striving to master modern technologies to improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

Director of the college Kusain Katkenov and Deputy Director of the Methodological Center of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region Maral Bokaeva addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, emphasizing the importance of digital transformation of education.

At the master class, experts in the field of AI and pedagogy (I. Khramey, E. Tulegenov, V. Zadorozhnyuk, M. Sagumbaev, D. Keneshov, A. Davydov) introduced us to the capabilities of neural networks, showed us how to create interactive tasks, presentations and other educational materials, and shared practical examples of their use.

The event turned out to be incredibly useful and relevant! In the modern rhythm, teachers often do not have enough time, and neural networks can become excellent assistants in preparing materials and organizing the educational process. The knowledge gained will help make learning more interesting and effective, as well as prepare students for the demands of the digital age.

Of course, such master classes are another step towards the development of education in the region. I thank the organizers and colleagues for productive communication and useful experience!

Nurgalieva Narzangul Kairzhanovna, Deputy for NMR, teacher of special disciplines, teacher moderator; Nurgalieva Ulmeken Maksutkanovna, teacher of special disciplines, teacher expert.

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