Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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On 02/16/2022, a college psychologist, Bauer M.E., held a parent meeting for 1-2 courses on the Zoom platform.

The following issues were considered:

  • особенности features of adolescence and possible risks;
  • what are the risks and threats to the life of a teenager;
  • what can become unfavorable life circumstances;
  • what to do to prevent trouble.

The main purpose of the parent meeting is to help parents analyze their parental behavior, focus on the positive aspects of parenting, forms of love for the child.

During the parents' meeting, a theoretical and practical method of work was used.

The viewing of videos was organized, after which there was a discussion of the attitude of parents to children. And also an express test was conducted, as a result of which a certain conclusion was made by parents that they need to devote more time to their child, be interested in his problems, interests, etc.