Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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The video contest has been completed. Students of Kostanay and Sarykol districts took an active part in the competition. Winners have been determined for each nomination. I would like to note the creativity, sincerity and friendliness of the video appeals to teachers. All the works were well thought out and aesthetically decorated. The winners of the competition and holders of the certificate for free training were:

  1. Umurzakova Dilnaz
  2. Muratov Nurdaulet
  3. Zhusupbekova Aida

Also, certificates for free training were awarded to the Uritsky Lyceum school students who became the best among the contestants who sent collective works:

Alexander Yakuba, Vladislav Kryvshich and Kirill Eroshenko.

The rest of the guys will be awarded with letters of thanks.