Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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The presentation contest dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been completed. Students of Altynsarinsky, Sarykolsky districts, as well as the city of Lisakovsk took an active part in the competition.

All the works were well thought out, aesthetically decorated and contained information not only about Kazakhstan, but also about the small Homeland. The winners of the competition and holders of the certificate for free training were:

  1. Abilkhairov Bekzat
  2. Anastasia Batechko
  3. Vasilyeva Yana
  4. Vitvitskaya Karina
  5. Kinzhibaeva Alina
  6. Ekaterina Lebedeva
  7. Maxim Maslak
  8. Nurmukhametova Dilnaz
  9. Artem Soshnikov
  10. Khovalkina Valeria
  11. Tsvetskikh Artem
  12. Shaimerden Shattyk

The rest of the guys will be awarded with letters of thanks.