Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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As part of the implementation of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program, a competition of sketches of clothes "National Costume of Kazakhstan" was held at the college.

At the end of the competition, an exhibition of works was organized.

9 applications were submitted:

  • Wozniak Violetta - group A-11
  • Shatalova Arina - group A-11
  • Daria Yurchenko - group B-11
  • Irina Goncharova - group B-11
  • Galimzyanova Victoria - group B-21
  • Svetlana Abiltayeva - group B-31
  • Nina Smagula - group B-31
  • Zhanguzhina Albina - group U-32
  • Bauer Maria is a psychology teacher.

The contest participants presented sketches of clothes in the following areas: "Pret-a-porte", "coming out", "futurism".

Following the results of the jury 's votes , the following results were announced:

1st place – Daria Yurchenko - group B-11

2nd place – Galimzyanova Victoria - group B-21

3rd place – Svetlana Abiltayeva - group B-31

The prize-winners were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes, the participants received certificates. Congratulations to the winners and participants of the contest!!! We wish you to have