Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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Today, on 03/31/2023, those who sometimes provide the most important assistance to those in need, support others in difficult situations gathered in the building of the Regional Puppet Theater.

A large-scale regional forum of volunteers of Kostanay region gathered hundreds of volunteers from all over the region. And today the best were awarded.

All of them do good "not for a beautiful thank you." Not just volunteers gathered in this hall, but the most sympathetic and selfless of them. On this day, awards were presented in the following categories:

  • "The best volunteer of 2023";
  • "The best volunteer organization -2023";
  • "Youth initiatives";
  • "Kind hearts";
  • "We will preserve nature";
  • "With respect to the older generation";
  • "Kind soul!"

Volunteers from different colleges were invited to share their experiences on stage.

The Regional Volunteer Forum is an indicator of how highly the hard work of volunteers is appreciated in our country. Although they themselves, of course, take up their hard work from day to day not for the sake of rewards, but simply because they cannot do otherwise.

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Мы творим добро не за красивое спасибо
Мы творим добро не за красивое спасибо
Мы творим добро не за красивое спасибо
Мы творим добро не за красивое спасибо
Мы творим добро не за красивое спасибо