Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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On 11.11.2022, teachers of "ZEREK College" Morozova Yu.S., Abilova B.T., Kusainova G.T. organized trips to Altynsarinsky, Karabalyksky districts and B.Maylin district for career guidance work in order to form professional self-determination of a conscious attitude to choosing a profession and building a career, as well as to popularize the profession of a teacher.

During the career guidance work, with the help of presentations and booklets, students were informed about the work of the college, clubs, sections and student life. The students were given booklets containing basic information. During the conversation, the students asked questions, which were immediately answered.


Твоя профессия – твой выбор
Твоя профессия – твой выбор
Твоя профессия – твой выбор
Твоя профессия – твой выбор
Твоя профессия – твой выбор