Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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11.01.2023 our teachers Plokhotenko V.N. and Morozova Y.S. shared their knowledge about inclusion.

From December 09 to December 21, they took part in the International online Internship "Inclusive Vocational Education: a modern view and approach", which was conducted by the Center for International Education and Innovation together with the International Center for Educational Technologies. As part of the internship program, international experts in the field of inclusive vocational education presented global strategies for the implementation of an inclusive approach in vocational education.

In Kazakhstan, this trend is not sufficiently developed, but, thanks to international experience, active work will be introduced in our state to develop regulatory and legal documents that entitle students with OOP to further employment.

"This internship has shown that inclusion is more than a conversation about students with special needs. Inclusion is giving EQUAL opportunities to ALL students to develop the skills necessary for success in the labor market and in society as a whole, regardless of their health and educational needs," the colleagues shared.