Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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On October 22, the college hosted a meeting of students of 1-2 courses with the descendants of the famous Kazakh poet, national writer, participant of the Great Patriotic War Syrbai Maulenov.

The meeting was timed to coincide with the poet's centenary. Students read poems by S. Maulenov, asked questions.

Kasym Syrbaevich, the poet's son and Bakhytzhamal Syrbaevna, the daughter told the students little-known facts of the biography of Maulenov S.

It was interesting to hear about the difficult stage in the life of the family associated with the post-war period, with the period of moving to the city of Almaty.

The guests warmly shared their memories of their parents. Those present at the event learned about the kind of man, the father was Syrbai Maulenov. How much children respect, honor and are proud of their parents.

It was nice to receive as a gift a five-volume collection of collected works by S. Maulenov from the descendants of the poet. And Kasym Syrbayevich, Doctor of Law, author of the Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan Boxing, presented his book Stanislav Boldyrev.

The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, leaving good impressions


Встреча с потомками С. Мауленова
Встреча с потомками С. Мауленова
Встреча с потомками С. Мауленова