Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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On October 19, 2022, as part of the work with the sponsored school, a visit was made to the "Komsomolsk comprehensive school of the education department of the akimat of the Sarykol district".

An organizational meeting was held on the basis of the school. College psychologist Yulia Sergeevna Morozova conducted a psychological training for students of grades 7-8 on the topic “Get to know yourself”, an interesting and informative training game on the theme “Magic Journey” was also held for primary classes.

Our psychologist conducted a training seminar on the prevention of early pregnancy among students of grades 9-11. Student of group B-21, participant of the debate club "AQIQAT" Kovalenko Kristina held a presentation of the club. The librarian of the college, Timerbayeva Zhumakol Kadyrovna, conducted a "Literary local history hour of S. Maulenov". The deputy director for Educational and production work, Nurgalieva Ulmeken Maksutkanovna, conducted professional orientation work among students of grades 8-11.

The trip was fruitful and eventful.