Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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Today is an important day for our college. On August 1, 2022, the founder of the private institution "ZEREK College", adviser to the rector of the Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov on pedagogical programs, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Bekturganova Rimma Chingisovna celebrates her anniversary birthday.

She also heads the Alliance of Women's Forces in Kostanay region, which includes 20 Clubs of women leaders, each city and district of our region and 5 gender centers. She was awarded the Order of "Kurmet", the Certificate of honor of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the badge Y.Altynsarin.

Dear Rimma Chingisovna, the teaching staff of the private institution "College ZEREK" congratulates you on your birthday. You are the pride of our college! Students, teachers, and the parent team are proud of you! Thank you for your efforts, for your great work! We wish you success, good health, easy solution of any tasks and inspiration for new achievements!