Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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On 23.05.2022, a round table "Organization of patronage of urban schools over rural schools: efficiency, prospects" was held.

Methodical cabinet of preschool and general secondary education of the State Institution "Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region". The report on the work done from the CHU "College ZEREK" was presented by the director of the round table "Organization of patronage of urban schools over rural ones: efficiency, prospects"

On 23.05.2022, a round table "Organization of patronage of urban schools over rural schools: efficiency, prospects" was held. Methodical cabinet of preschool and general secondary education GU oledzha Ketebaeva Kalamkas Kakimbekovna. Summing up, she said that this work was mutually beneficial and interesting. Teachers of the college received a large amount of practical knowledge that is necessary for the training of future specialists.

The work will continue according to the jointly drawn up plan.