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"ZEREK College"

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Magazines and newspapers have covered and are covering topical issues for our time. For teachers and students, the college annually issues scientific and methodological, scientific and pedagogical journals.

Now the students have decided on the topic of their term papers. When working on a term paper, it is recommended to find as many sources as possible that break up the topic. Consider not only textbooks, but also monographs, scientific articles, and even journalism. Focus on more recent sources. For students of the third year of the specialty "Primary education", a review was conducted "On the pages of pedagogical journals".

Kazakhstan", "Open school", "Bilim Education", "College: kasibi bilim I take Vocational training", "Kazakhstan kasipkeri Professional of Kazakhstan", "Extracurricular work at school". Publications on the following topics were considered: "Inverted lesson in elementary school approaches, resources", "Techniques for developing critical thinking of younger schoolchildren in literary reading lessons", "Digital educational resources: one of the effective resources of a modern lesson", etc.

At the end of the review, students studied magazines, found material for their term papers and upcoming practice at school.