Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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From May 14 to May 28, a sports spartakiad among students and teachers will be held in the walls of private educational institutions of Kostanay region. All private institutions were present on the opening day of the event:

  • CHU "ZEREK College"
  • CHU "Kostanay Humanitarian College"
  • "Institution of Higher College of Kazpotrebsoyuz"
  • Kostanay Socio-Technical College
  • KInEU College of Entrepreneurship,

The director of the KSU "Regional Center of Physical Culture and Youth Tourism" of the Education Department of Kostanay region, Bimurzin Kuanysh Uakhitovich, was also invited.

"Team cohesion is the key to the success of the whole team." After all, sport is an important factor in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

"For the first time this year, we decided to hold sports competitions, which will allow us to get to know each other better, establish closer relationships and establish friendly contacts," the directors stressed.

On the first day there were games for teachers in several sports: volleyball, checkers, chess togyzkumalak and darts.

According to the highest amount of points scored, the winner in the all-team volleyball competition among teachers was the national team of the private institution "College ZEREK".

The main purpose of the event is to promote physical culture and sports as an important factor in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.