Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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Last Saturday, a parent-teacher meeting was organized at the college. The most interesting thing is that it did not go as usual. The parents' meeting was held in the form of a quest game.

All the parents who came to the meeting started their journey from the stations. At the sports station "In a healthy body – a healthy mind!" parents were able to show their physical qualities. The next station, "Psychological", was aimed at self-discovery, for the disclosure of their internal resources, the ability to build contacts with their children. And the final station is "Intellectual", where parents showed their knowledge in Kazakh, Russian and English, intelligence.

The Deputy director for Academic Affairs, Mukhamedzhanova B.S., also spoke, who highlighted the results of educational and scientific and methodological activities.

The artistic performances of our students were a pleasant end to the parents' meeting.

It is worth noting that the positive side of such forms is that a ready-made point of view is not imposed on parents. At this meeting – game, parents had to think, look for their own way out of the current situation.