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"ZEREK College"

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May 31 is the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Holodomor and Political Repression.

Books are being published and films are being made on this topic. An hour of the book "Chronicle of the Great Jute" by Valery Mikhailov was held at the college. This book is the first major study of the origins, causes and nature of the Kazakh tragedy that occurred in the early 30s.

During the presentation of the book, excerpts from the documentary story were given: memoirs of representatives of the generation who saw the terrible pictures of pestilence. Memories of Gafu Kairbekov about the tragedy and about conversations with Gabit Musrepov, notes from the notebook-diary of Tatiana Nevadovskaya, who was an eyewitness to this terrible tragedy. After all, only the fate of specific people, documents and facts will be able to fully convey the tragedy of a terrible period in the history of Kazakhstan.

… Кто приказал? Узнать – понять хочу я,
Кто смерть и нищету послал сюда?
Где спокон веку жил народ, кочуя
С верблюдом, осликом, и пас стада.
Зачем снимать последнюю рубаху
И целый край заставить голодать?