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"There are no uninteresting people in the world" was the name of the meeting with Yuri Yakovlevich Bondarenko, professor, candidate of philosophical sciences, teacher, master of sports in draughts, author of books and manuals, scientific and newspaper publications about philosophy, history, culture, religion.

Yuri Yakovlevich has something to share with students, because he has a bright life rich in meetings and events behind him. Yuri Yakovlevich shared his impressions of the meeting with Rasul Gamzatov, the Avar poet, whose name the students heard for the first time, shared his thoughts about religion.

Y. Bondarenko starred in the same film with Vladimir Vysotsky. The guest's story about this period of life was accompanied by a screening of individual frames from the film "About how Tsar Peter married a Black Sheep".

During the event, the following books were presented to the attention of those present: Culture in the faces of "There are no uninteresting people in the world" and "Islam-name", a bibliographic index prepared by the scientific and bibliographic department of the Baitursynov KRU library.

At the meeting, it was said about the International Scientific Conference "Scientific Diplomacy for the present and future world order" from October 07, 2023, the speaker of which was Yu.Ya. Bondarenko.

The meeting with Professor Yu. Ya. Bondarenko turned out to be emotional.

Встреча с Юрием Яковлевичем Бондаренко
Встреча с Юрием Яковлевичем Бондаренко
Встреча с Юрием Яковлевичем Бондаренко