Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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Students of the specialty "Primary education" were invited to the literary hour dedicated to the 100th anniversary of M. Alimbayev, known in Kazakhstan as a children's writer.

Muzafar Alimbayev loved children very much and treated them with great warmth and attention. He was the editor-in-chief of the children's magazine "Baldyrgan". He wrote poems and fairy tales for his young readers. M. Alimbayev's collections "What is it like?" were also published in Russian. Poems for children "Snowdrop", "Native language", "Kazakhstan is mine!",, "What are the words", "Politeness lesson", etc. During the event, the poem "What words are there" was performed. The students were presented with the "Russian-Kazakh dictionary in verse". There was no such dictionary in the world practice before. An interesting, rhymed form of presentation of the material ("lesson – daris, success – tabys", "hand – kol, road – zhol").

The literary hour was accompanied by a presentation and a video. From the video, the audience learned that M. Alimbayev participated in the Great Patriotic War, that he is one of the authors of the National Anthem of Kazakhstan, that music is based on many poems. The songs "Ayazhan", "Almaty keshinde", "Maraldim" and many others have become popular among the people.

A thematic shelf was designed for the event, where the works of M. Alimbayev and literature about him were presented.