Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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Graduation is one of the most exciting events in the life of a recent student, and now a graduate. Everyone has been waiting this brightest and most solemn chord for many years of training. The short, but very meaningful and unforgettable years flew by unnoticed.

Yesterday's students are very pleased to realize that, finally, they have mastered useful and necessary specialties. Behind the excitement, anxiety associated with the final state certification. In addition, on the day of graduation, graduates experience joyful excitement. They understand that it is time to say goodbye to college and enter a new stage of life.
On 29.06.2022, a solemn presentation of diplomas on secondary technical and vocational education took place in the Palace of Students of KSTU.  130 graduates have become happy diploma holders.  There were among them those who received a diploma with honors.

The Founder of the college, Advisor to the Rector of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov on pedagogical programs, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Bekturganova Rimma Chingisovna congratulated the graduates on their successful graduation.

The director of the college, Kalamkas Kakimbekovna, congratulated the graduates and expressed confidence that the diplomas they received would help them find a decent job where they could demonstrate their professional skills and knowledge.

The parents of the graduates also attended the ceremony.  In turn, they thanked the teachers for their help and support, for their knowledge and experience. In a good way Graduate-2022!