Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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The school year has come to an end, it's time to take State exams. The State exam is the last final exam for college students.  

This year it is held in the traditional format at ZEREK College. The final certification is not the last test in the life of a graduate. How to prepare for it? 
Firstly, the emotional attitude is important. It is necessary to listen to the advice of a psychologist. Secondly, the examination is taken by the state commission, which includes the chairman of the commission and the teachers of the college. The chairmen of the commissions are invited social partners.

Zhandauova Sholpan Yerikinovna, senior lecturer of the Department of DiNO KRU named after A.Baitursynov, Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, and Bekmagambetova Mariam Talgatovna, head of I/s "Snow White", Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, were invited to the state exams. Then everything is in the hands of the graduate.
I wish everyone good luck at the final session!

Deputy.director of UR Mukhamedzhanova B.S.