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"ZEREK College"

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The regulationsof the video contest "Kazakstannyn kieli zherleri"

I. General provisions

1. The regulations of the video contest "Kazakhstan kieli zherleri", held within the framework of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru", defines the purpose, objectives and procedure of the contest.

2. The purpose of the competition: to identify patriots among college students, creative

young people with an active civic position.

3. Objectives of the contest:

- education in students of love for the Motherland, native land;

- development of creative abilities;

- formation of a multilingual personality.

II. Organizer of the contest

Subject-cycle commission "Trilingualism".

III. Terms of the competition

1. Students of 1-4 courses take part in the competition. Works performed individually or by a group of students are accepted.

2. The main competition is held among the works made in the form of a video on the general theme: "Sacred places of Kazakhstan"

3. The video material is accepted in any of the languages of the peoples living in Kazakhstan.

4. The duration of the video is no more than 2 minutes. The video must meet the aesthetic (appearance of the performer) and technical requirements (video quality, sound clarity).

5. Dates of the event:

- acceptance of competitive works – April 20 - 28;

- the work of the Jury of the Competition – April 29;

- awarding of the winners of the competition – April 30.

6. Send the competitive work to e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until April 28, 2022.

7. Criteria for evaluating creative works:

- disclosure of the topic,

- relevance,

- creativity,

- quality and technology of execution.

IV. Results of the competition

The winners will be awarded with diplomas (1,2,3 places) at the closing of the decade of the PCC "Trilingualism"