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In the era of digitalization, as well as the introduction of the concept of "digital college" into the professional vocabulary, the topic "Creation of electronic educational resources" is relevant for discussion.

Today, the team and I are back on the path of gaining new knowledge. In college, programmer Yegor Kondrashkin introduced teachers to the technical side of creating electronic educational resources. Egor assures that it will not take much time to create an electronic educational product using a simple tool like TurboSite. The main thing is that there should be educational material that we, teachers, use daily in our classes.

The authors can be teachers of disciplines included in one training module.

The effectiveness of the use of electronic educational resources in the educational process is ensured by the presence of the following features:

  • Multimedia
  • Modeling
  • Interactivity

Below are examples of types of electronic educational resources:

- educational material (textbook, textbook, lecture notes, test, control questions, e-learning course;)

- educational and methodical material (methodical instruction, curriculum, curriculum, lesson plan;

- scientific material (dissertation abstract, dissertation, article, monograph, review;)

- electronic periodical (full-text edition, table of contents of printed publications; electronic library, - educational website;

The presence of an author's work, an electronic educational resource gives a significant advantage when assigning a qualification category.

I hope that the information provided by us, Egor Mikhailovich and me Narzangul Kairzhanovna will benefit and soon our team will present their author's electronic educational projects.


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