Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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Theory without practice is dead. Practice without theory is blind.
(A.V. Suvorov)

The main purpose of the practice is to prepare for pedagogical activity, to perform professional functions.

Pedagogical practice is the most important stage of preparing students for the future activity of a teacher. The practice gives the student an opportunity to get acquainted with the duties and content of the teacher's work in the field of the proposed activity, to deepen and consolidate their knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the study of theoretical and practical courses.

On November 7, 2022, the final conference on the pedagogical practice of students of the 2nd year, group U-22 of the specialty "Primary education", qualification "Teacher of primary education" was held. The students presented their achievements and methodological piggy bank, and also shared their impressions about the practice. It should be noted that according to students' feedback on the results of this practice, future teachers have established themselves in choosing a profession.

During the defense of the practice, a live broadcast was launched on Instagram from the ZEREK college page, thanks to this format, both parents of students, potential employers, social partners, and students of other courses and specialties were able to attend this event.

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